Hope can be defined as "joyous expectancy" and that is where I am at in the midst of a winter season, I am "hoping" for spring. If you have been here a while, you know all the Lord is teaching me about seasons (here, here, here and here) and I can happily report I am overcoming the fear and resting in the current season and not going back or forward. I was blessed to find this on Cheri Keaggy's site:
He said) ‘See, I am doing a new thing – do you not perceive (it)?’ Making a way in the desert - filling up wasteland with streams Yours is a story of Winter – but, child, you have believed That I am the Author of your life – and now I am writing your Spring
There are buds all around me and I can't wait to see them bloom (and unto Him be all the Glory)!
We surely do have seasons in our lives. I'm glad you are able to rest in your current one - while hoping! I am in a new season - we just found out last week that our daughter is pregnant. This will be our first grandchild and we are so excited!
Spring has Sprung in my little corner of the world....my Roses have budded out, my Redbud trees are now green, Flags are waving in the breeze, and my Granny Smith Apple tree is now all green...soon to experience fruit ...that is what Spring means to me ...a time for fresh fruit ...spiritually speaking ...the winter rids one of all the parasites .. scorn, judgmental attitudes, gossip so that fresh Spring blooms can come forth and put forth new fruit...love the way the natural always shows the spiritual... Enjoyed reading your post
OUT OF DEEP WATERS is my journey of becoming mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ and growing up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ. Many posts are based on what the Lord is doing or has done in my life in an effort to:
I'm a daughter of the Most High God, wife to Michael and mom to five awesome kids. I love transforming anything I can get my hands on. Your trash is my treasure. I love the hunt, the find and the transformation process.
It is a blessing to have a space at a local antique store to share my creations and sell them too. What you see here will end up there (if I don't keep it). I'm grateful for the opportunity to do what I love.
Through this process I am learning so much about me and who I was created to be.
We surely do have seasons in our lives. I'm glad you are able to rest in your current one - while hoping!
I am in a new season - we just found out last week that our daughter is pregnant. This will be our first grandchild and we are so excited!
Spring has Sprung in my little corner of the world....my Roses have budded out, my Redbud trees are now green, Flags are waving in the breeze, and my Granny Smith Apple tree is now all green...soon to experience fruit ...that is what Spring means to me ...a time for fresh fruit ...spiritually speaking ...the winter rids one of all the parasites .. scorn, judgmental attitudes, gossip so that fresh Spring blooms can come forth and put forth new fruit...love the way the natural always shows the spiritual...
Enjoyed reading your post
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