Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The day we came to look at the house we are living in now I told the kids that we needed to pray and ask the Lord for clear direction. I told them that if the Lord gave them a verse or anything to tell me. About ten minutes down the road I hear from the backseat, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord whether that is in the old house or the new house." Alrighty then!

The day we moved in I saw there was a framed print in one of the rooms "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Such great confirmation.

John Waller has a song called As For Me and My House and it is awesome. You can download it for free here by making a declaration that you are serving the Lord in your household.

In the song it says:

Idols raised, tear them down

For me it was a startling revelation that my husband had become an idol to me. During the Beth Moore Breaking Free study, she gives a testimony about her son-in-law. He puts his son to bed everynight and says something like "I'm proud to be your dad, I think you have what it takes to be a great man and I love you" and everynight the toddler looks up and says, "I want juice." The Lord used that story to show me how He has told me, "Mari I'm proud to be your dad, I think you have what it takes to be a great woman and I love you" and I would look up at Him and say, "I want Todd." I rejected God's love seeking the love of a man. Oh, that was a humbling revelation. I repented for idolatry and am now seeking the Lord in ALL areas of my life.

What or who are your idols? Are you ready to tear them down? Whose kingdom are you building?


Mari said...

That is one of my favorite verses and I have it on a plaque in my Dining room.
What a revelation you have shared. That's something that wouldn't immediately come to mind as we are supposed to love our husbands, but we are also told that anything can be an idol if it comes ahead of God.
With that being said, I have to admit that too often I put things ahead of God and it's something I need to be on the lookout for!

Missie said...

I can so relate to this. Thank you for your honesty...it is comforting to know that we are not alone. I have failed multiple times giving all my desire to be loved to old boyfriends or now to my husband and man does that put a strain on our relationship. I have learned the hard way I can only depend on God for unfailing love

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