Tuesday, March 18, 2008

SAY, "SO!"

Visiting a friend's church on Sunday was a divine appointment. From beginning to end it was clear that I was where I was supposed to be. By the end of the service I felt so encouraged; all the events of the past three weeks seemed to be a distant memory.

During ministry time my friend asked if I was going up for prayer and I honestly began praying about getting prayer. I felt so refreshed and encouraged I was not sure I needed anything else. Then the pastor called me and up and began to prophesy over Tea & Traditions, imagine my surprise! A lot of what she said was confirmation of what the Lord has already told us and what others have prophesied, it was exciting.

One of the things the pastor spoke about Sunday was:

Psalm 107:2 - Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

When the enemy comes to you and says, you __________ (fill in the blank), simply say, "SO!" Oh, how that ministered to me.

We do not have a working website for the business....SO!
I have been sick for three weeks...SO!
(fill in the blank)__________________...SO!

Friday night I listened to the first CD in a series titled New Weapons for New War and the speaker said, "When the enemy comes at us with lies, we should respond with 'What does God say?'" Simple truth we have heard before, but a great reminder in the midst of the battle.

Here is a video of Israel Houghton performing Say So:


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Thank you for visiting Becoming Me. I have enjoyed reading through your blog and will be back. I really like how you add music and/or lyrics to your posts.

Joy said...

Love Israel! My favorite song is "New Breed".

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